'Rules' don't apply themselves. The people who apply them come from *somewhere* and exhibit the training (and ancestral inheritance) of that 'somewhere. This is why all 'universal' values eventually become very specific systems of oppression.

The closer a system of governance comes to *reflecting* the values of a people it presumes to govern, the less it is needed and the more dense and 'natural' the subsystems of enforcement.

The more different kinds of people to be governed - with different values and habits and responses to their world - that a system tries to govern, the more *alien* - and alienating - the experience of being governed (and governing) becomes and the more complex and demanding the process of enforcement becomes.

There are no universal values because there are no universal people.

This is why all attempts to 'liberate' a system from specificity eventually create a catastrophic reaction that immiserates everyone unfortunate enough to be in the blast radius of the collapse.

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isn't that typical, the great and the good try to make people into an image but not care for the failed result

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A thoroughly thoughtful analysis of our current state of perdition

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Which is why Heidegger dismissed every philosophy from Socrates to Nietzsche for their inability to accommodate the authentic human experience. Dasein connects with nature herself as a gossamer-like co-creation that sources divine advice (Grace) transmitted to the heart, and liminally available to those capable of detaching from the predatory constraints of the Matrix.

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