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Over here, down under-er, on ANZAC Day (which is our only real de facto national day, the old Dominion Day being replaced not with a 'New Zealand Day' but a 'Waitangi Day' which is basically if 'Invasion Day' were an official state-sanctioned holiday, given over entirely to brown grievance and White grovelling, literally in the mud), fountains across the country were dyed red to protest the 'genocide in Gaza' and our accused complicity therein. Meanwhile the national service in our capital was cancelled allegedly due to "high winds" (in the windiest city in our country, a city which has 'high winds' virtually every day of the year), ceding the ground to a coterie of lefties (led by a tranny whose ironically named 'Peace Action' I seem to recall issuing a bomb threat against Juden Peterstein back in the day') who wrapped themselves in keffiyehs and laid down in front of the cenotaph like a row of mouldy kebabs. I stopped attending ANZAC services ever since they starting started jamming in a lot of incomprehensible 'native' jibber-jabber that none of the men supposedly honoured (not even most of the Maories) would have understood or stood for. What, indeed, are they marching for...

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